Be the Best You Can Be!: Health Tips for the New Year


With the new year fast approaching, you may be tempted to clear off some of the kid’s artwork or a few takeaway menus to make room on the fridge door for your list of New Year’s Resolutions!

Chances are, ‘Improving Fitness’ will land in your Top 5 resolutions – and that’s terrific! Regular exercise will go a long way towards helping you realise your dream of being the best person you can be.

To set you on the right track heading into the New Year, here are a few fitness fundamentals from Millie Walker, Master Trainer and Yoga Instructor at the Adelaide Aquatic Centre.

Keep it Real

Give yourself the best shot at success. It’s important to keep your fitness goals realistic. For example, think about including some basic lifestyle changes into your targets like swapping the lift for the stairs or, while the days are long, taking the time for a brisk walk round a different block in your neighbourhood each evening. Also, set a weight goal and not a weight loss target for 2017. This will give you something to get to and maintain – instead of yo-yo-ing once you get there.

Work with a Pro

Different body types respond to different exercise plans. Consider investing in yourself by consulting or even working regularly with a qualified Personal Trainer. A monthly, fortnightly or weekly session with a pro can really keep you on track. As well as checking your progress they will ensure your results don’t plateau by adding variety into your program.   

Keep a Diary

Whether it’s hard copy or electronic, map out your monthly exercise plan in a calendar and stick to it. For starters, use the downtime between Christmas and New Year to diarise your gym workouts and classes for January, then do the same thing heading into each month. Of course, life can throw us curveballs, so plan for setbacks. If you need to bump a class, commit to replacing it with an alternative – if possible within the next 24 hours.  

Buddy Up

Going solo on the fitness front works for some, but others find inspiration in pairing up. If you share exercise interests with a friend, team up as training buddies. Draw up a regular work-out plan and even consider signing up for a gym membership together. Try and find a different buddy for each activity you’re into - whether it’s gym work, cardio classes, yoga or swimming. This way you won’t be relying on just one mate to help keep you motivated. If you’re scouting for a training buddy, group fitness classes are a great place to find them and remember, the more you go, the more confident and comfortable you’ll feel with the other class members.

Regular Review

It’s important to evaluate how you’re progressing with your exercise plan during the year. The advantage of working with a Personal Trainer is you can have regular fitness assessments built into your program, with your plan adjusted accordingly. A monthly evaluation is only 12 per year and can keep you disciplined, with something to aim for each time.

Reward Achievement

Big or small, if you achieve a fitness goal, recognise and reward your accomplishment. For some, a new outfit could be a good motivator but incentives can be fitness focused too. If you’re an Adelaide Aquatic Centre member your pay-off for hitting a target could be swapping a treadmill work-out for a soak in our spa!


Surrounding yourself with like-minded people is a great way to maintain motivation throughout the year and you’ll find plenty of those at the Adelaide Aquatic Centre - along with professional support, pools galore plus a huge range of gym equipment and group fitness classes.

Discover more information on our current gym and swim membership.