

Level One of the Swim School for Kids program.

There are seven levels in our Swim School for Kids

As your child's skills grow, they move through the ranks, tackling bigger and better challenges, and growing their confidence in the water.

In Turtles, your child will learn important skills to:

Baby swim
  • Push and glide 3m with a kickboard without swimming aids
  • Kick 3m on front and back with kickboard and without assistance
  • Swim 5m continuous freestyle arms
  • Submerge their head to get from bottom of pool
  • Blow bigger and better bubbles for breathing
  • Float for longer than ever before
  • Explore a mix of depths to make them safe and comfortable
  • Get in and out of the pool safely without assistance
  • Roll from front to back and swim back to edge after falling in

Once your child has mastered these skills, they move into Octopus.

If you feel your child is not yet ready for the skills taught in Turtles, discover more about our Swim School for Babies program – also suitable for infants and toddlers.

Fun Facts about Turtles

Turtles are reptiles with webbed feet, and they use them to paddle through the water.

They will dive and paddle around, then come back up to the surface to breathe.

In South Australia, you can find fresh water turtles in ponds and lakes.

Coral line